My first impressions of the game was good because I like this type of games and all games with strategy, also I liked the music I think this music is perfect for this game. One thing that I didn't like it was that the loading it tooks too long.
I thought that the quality of the graphics were pretty good for a game of this type and also for a flash game. The characters are well drew.
The menu is very easy and it include only necessary things. When we press on button ''Start Play'' we can see a history where we understand what to do and also how to play. I needed only 2 minutes to understand it and it's really easy and simple. The aim of the game is pretty easy and we the history from the start make us to understand it. The game hs a good game play and it's really interesting to play it, initially I start to play and after I realise that I am play for 15 minutes, this game attracted me .

Castle Knight -
Kingdom Rush -
These twoo games have some similarities but anyway they are different. The Castle Knight I think is more for children and Kingdom Rush is a game where you need more to think. Another difference between these twoo games is that the game play of Kingdom Rush is better lots of characters makes this game good.
I thought that Castle Knight was a good example of an flash game because is on the top and it's also a strategy game. However Castle Knight was not good like Kingdom rush.
I would give to Castle Knight 4 STARS!
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