Monday, 19 December 2016

Egg Rain- Target Audience

Target Audience
My game is called Egg Rain and is about an person who is late to his work and he has to get to it as quick as it is possible. In his world started the rain which is little bit different from the rain from our world. In his word the rain instead of drops of water there are eggs. The player has to protect his self of the eggs with the umbrella. The game is for mobile devices but anyway will be also on the computers for the players which doesn't have an mobile devices. I made the game for casual gamers so there are not long term achievements you can go and play when you have some 5-10 free minutes and I think the final result is good. One level it takes like 3 minutes.
The target audience for this game is 7+ players. Why 7+? First of all because usually not every children has an mobile mobile phone at this old so he will bot be able to play it, he may do it from his parents phone or computer. Second of all in this game a good reflex is the key to success and the young child their reflexes are not good developed so the game will not satisfy them.
The game is international because in this game are not any things linked to any culture all the characters are international and simple also it doesn't link to any religion so every one can play it.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Eggs Rain comparation

In this post I will try to compare my own game which is called Eggs Rain with two popular games which I like and I use to play casual. This two games are "Bounce" and "Fragger DS" I like this games because where are lots of levels but in the same time you don't have to be dependent of it and play a llot, also you have to use your brain and reflex. I tried to do the same thing in my game where you have to use your reflexes and make it more for casual gamers. From the start I was of the opinion to make my game for mobile devices and this two games I use to play on the mobile device. I made my game for iPhone and I hope one time I will play it on my phone.
The menu: 
I think menu is an important aspect of the game because from it you make your first impression of the game and it is really important. 
I think the menu has to be easy to use and that's why in my game the menu is very simple, like the bounce menu.
The menu of fragger game has more options I think because the game in general is more complicated and it include some settings which people may want to change. Also it has the button " More Games" which is more an advertisement of their games and which I don't need at the moment.

In the framer game the camera is static and you can see all the level. In the bounce game the camera works same as the camera from mine game, it follows the character and it doesn't show the all level. I think this is the best type of camera for a game like mine.

The bounce game in general has lots of same characteristics with my game. Both of them are platform which makes the game like brothers.
In my opinion my game could be as good as bounce game and even better because the thing with open umbrella I consider makes the game more interesting.

Beta Testing Review- Eggs Rain

Beta Testing
My review has played my game for 5 min after they did the questionnaire about it. 
1) For the question one where we asked them what do they think about the look of the game? All people said that the game looks good and they like the background and the game in general is colourful, some of them said that the game it's remind them of childhood which I think is good for an mini game.
2) How would they discribe the lead up to beginning the first level? Is the menu easy to use? Is the background story clear?
The first person said - The menu is very easy to use and the background is clear. 
Second- Yes it is very clear. 
Third- yes the menu is very easy but I have to know what is the story . 
Fourth- No story made!
From this answers I understood that I have to made the story on the beginning of the game which I don't have for the moment but some persons like the game and understand it without the story.
3) Do the characters move and interacts with the environment well? How could this be improved? What coding soulutions might you suggest?
All persons said that the character move and interact with the environment very good and the game is good in general. Apart from some collides with the platform which I changed and now it's working all fine.
4) How does the level play? What are the challenges? Are these challenges set to right level for the target audience ? How long is the level?
One person said " try not to touch the walls is a good challenge" I don't really know about which walls is he talking about. 
When they test the game it wasn't finish so the egg rain wasn't finished now I did it and I think they would be satisfyed.
Some of them said that it's a really good game for an mine game and it looks nice for it but I think I could do more it's only about time.
5) What is the end of the level? Is it a satisfying conclusion to the challenges set? Is there a final challenge? What is the reward? Do you want to continue playing the game? What incentive is there to do this? 
Most of the people said nothing because the game wasn't finished. 
Some of them said that they still want to continue playing which makes me happy and makes me want to continue working on this project. 

All this answers are helpful because it shows me what players wants to see in the game they are the persons who gonna play it that is why their opinion is important for me. Now the game is better and the level one is playable so I think they will like it more.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Games Developmant week 5

Last week!

This week I started to work on details of the game. First of all I decided to develop the scene " You lose" because it didn't had nothing only black scene. So I added an text which I made in an site called 3D text . Also I added an button which return you to the start of the level called "try again". In this scene I added the button menu which change you to the menu scene if you want to go there.
Next thing I did is the level one, I start to think how and where to place them becaus it has to be playable and not difficult to finish because is level one and it doesn't have to be very difficult. I did it and I noticed that the problem is that you can't see when the egg is falling so I decided to add sound to it and every time when the egg generator generate an egg it plays the sound effect which I found in internet. Now is better but it also needs some changes which needs more times and I decided to concentrate on other things which I thing was more important for that moment. I start to work on the finish line because every game needs one. I found the right image and I edited it . I did an new actor I added the image of the finish and I did the codes so then the actor men overlaps or collide with it it change to another scene which for the moment was blank. After this I started to work on this scene which I called "you won" scene. It is a scene between the levels and I added an button pressing it you go to the level two scene which I didn't finished.
The next thing I started to work was the gate. It is an obstacle which I wished to make from the beggin but it wasn't the right time for it and also I didn't had the necessary knowledge. I found an gate in internet even if it wasn't perfect in my game I decided to use it because was the last week and I didn't had enough time to work on. The image was gif and was composted of 40 images form which I decided to use only two because I didn't need all the animations but just an open and close gate. I created two actors " open gate" and "close gate". 
I added the right image for both of them and I made them of the same size. I did the code so the men can go thru open gate but when he touch the close one he die. And the gate every 3 seconds open and close .

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Game development Week 4

This week I started with editing of the cloud and eggs generator because I think is important for my game and this is the all point of it to open the umbrella when you see an egg falling down. I makes 3 types of eggs- White egg, normal egg and normal broken.

 All of these eggs have the same code and characteristics they only look different, I did it because I think it makes the game better and more interesting.
After this I decided to create an egg counter which will know how many eggs fallen in the player head, I did it using an new attribute of type integer like in the race car game also I added the health bar because it looks better then just a number and maybe in my game will play someone who doesn't know numbers because the target audience for my game is 6+. I did the codes that the actor will die after 3 eggs which fallen in his head because the eggs are falling every 2 seconds and in the game will be lots of eggs and will be difficult to protect of all so 3 is the perfect number for it. This number may be changed in others levels.

After this I started with creating the coin actor. I find an good animation of an coins with rotate and look pretty good in the context. I edited it and I start coding it. Now when the actor Men collide or overlaps with coin the actor coins is destroying and the attribute coins counter became -1. I made one new actor and I puted inside only the display text behaviour and it shows the atribute egg counter which is how many eggs he has left. The actor can't finish the game without all 5 eggs. I placed this actor on upper right angle of the camera and is there every time you move like the health bar.

After this I had lots of problems with the game every time it didn't wanted to work and I find that the problem was because of the game layers. I lplaced the egg counter on the layer with the health bar and it starts to work fine. After this I noticed that in my game I don't have enough obstacles so I start to work on the manhole obstacle. I found the image which look good in the scene and I makes it png also I did the trim of it. I did the codes so then the after men collide with it , the scene is changing to you lose it means you die. 

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Game Development Week 3

In the 3rd week I started with editing my characters because it weren't trimmed so I had to trim all the images and replace them every where, it was so anoiyng but I did it and now the character is better.

Also I chaneged the acceleration in my game from 1500 to 2700 and I started to think about one thing. I want my character with the open umbrella to have an different acceleration from the character with the close umbrella and when he moving with the open umbrella his speed to be slower. In this week I started to think more about my level map and the obstacles which I will place here, I created some platforms just for experiment to see how my character will jump on it and it didn't look so bad.
I understood that my character will have to move left so in this case I have to reverse his animation because in it he went only on right part of the screen so I had to edit again the men with open umbrella and the men with close umbrella. I did the coding for this and when you press left it change the image to the right one I think now is more better and also I am happy because I did it without any tutorials and it works great at the moment.
 The next think I started to work on it was the egg cloud. After finding the right images of cloud and eggs which I will have more tipes white, simple and simple broken. I did the editing of all the images to png  and the coding for the cloud which will generate randomly eggs every second or I might change the timing. For the moment I am happy with my work and I try to do all my best on this game hope will be an good project. Also every week I save my game into an new project.

Game Development Week 2

In my second week I started to upgrade my menu and my scene where the player has to choose the character he wish to play. I added music to both of the scene and it sound good. I did the code for the texts and when you press "Start" on the menu scene it change the scene to the choose character scene.
Here also if you press the "Man" character it change the scene to "man level 1". When I understood what everything is working well I started looking for girl character. 
For it also wasn't easy to find the perfect character but I find one even if it's not perfect. The animation was of 9 images and I edited every one in png format. I placed the girl on the choose character scene and it didn't want to work because it was a problem with the frame which I placed on this scene thanks to my teacher who helped me to find it out.
After this I started to think about jump and opening umbrella. In my mind was to make this two effects using the bassicaly change scene and place in the place of the simple men an the character of the men with umbrella but it didn't look great so we had to change the coding. Also the jump it didn't look great because first I did it using only change linear velocity y but I change it using the example from the game which teacher offered to us like an example.

Game Development Week 1

When I started creating my own game I started with the background and camera work.
First in my mind was to create my game using sidescrolling and I did it like in the mario game ,but I understood that it wasn't the best idea and I changed to camera like in the race game. I did it because in my game the character has to stop go back and with the sidescrolling it doesn't look good.
After I start looking for the main character, it was really difficult to find an gif men with umbrella and it has to be also animated. I found one and he was perfect for my game but it was one probplem , he wasn't png so I had to cut hem and his animation was formed of 17 pictures. It wasn't easy. Because in my game this men is not only with umbrella, I had to edit him because he was with the open umbrella so I cutted his open umbrella and I pasted in an close umbrella and I did this thing for all 17 images of animation. It was so anoiyed but I did my best. After I did the menu and the scene where the player has to choose for which character he wants to play girl or boy. 

My own Game

Game which I decided to create is called Egg Rain. In previous blog I explained to you what is the game about and how it is going to look like.
In this blog first of all I want to show you the game storyboard and the level map there you can see the obstacles and how it is going to look like. I think in the future my ideas will change anyway this is my firsts ideas.
The storyboard of the game:
Level 1 map;

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Sonic Minigame

This has the basic idea to jump from a platform to another and collect the coins the you collect 10 you win and you move to the next level. One important thing about this game is the fact that the sonic doesn't move from his initial place, he can only jump pressing the space. The background is moving left this make us think that the sonic is moving in reality isn't. We obtain this effect using the behavior  Move and we said to move the actor Background in direction 180 which is left. After using spawn actor we spawned the actor background behind of the first layer +480 pixels on self position. After when we obtained the good result which we wanted we start to do the platform. We created a new actor named Platform and we changed the size of it to 400x100 and we created 2 attributes one of type boolean and another real. We dropped in the behaviour change attribute  and we changed the x position of the platform to exp: 1024+(position X/ 2) this will help to respawn the platform after scene to look good. I learned a new behavior Constrain Attribute.This behavior is like a shield that will  permit the platform interact with the main characte-sonic and will not permit Sonic fall down at some moment when the gravity will be present in the game.Also for the platform  I created a rule that will permit the platform move left.In the same rule I added a spawn actor and also a timer.The rule is saying that a platform will be spawn  at random time (between 1,6/ 10) and also at random position between  -200 pixels and 200 pixels.
For the actor Coin we copied the actor Platform because this two actors has similar characteristics and this save time. I created a collide rule for the coin with the actor sonic the they collide the special sound is playing I inserted in this rule the destroy behaviour to destroy is after when sonic collided with coin. After we I did a rule to check the score, I did it using the rule which says when the coin overlaps or collapse with actor of type Sonic it change the attribute Score +1 and I did another rule with says if the game score is =10 change the scene to you win.
For the sonic actor I added  an animate picture.And the speed of this animate is 30fps. Also I used a constrain attribute-and the attribute that i constrained is the sonic x position to 150 pixel.This attribute helps the sonic to move to the left with 150 pixels and it helps to make the character more real.  Also in the sonic game I created the gravity.Also the sonic is colliding with the platform and the coin.Also I used a timer for the sonic.I created a controller for the sonic where,I setted a timer for 4 sec. that means that sonic will appear after 4 sec in the game.If we do not set a timer the sonic appear in the game and then is falling down because of the gravity and it can not collide with the platform and the coin.Also I made my sonic actor jump and in the same time play a sound.A sound is also played when the sonic is colliding with the coin and with the platform.For the coin I created a new attribute that counts how many coins a collecting and also when the sonic collides with the coin ,the coin is destroyed.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Homework 10th October 2016

  1. PNG file are important because in games we use it for transparency so if we make the character of the format PNG we can see the background behind. PNG are also very useful for web site. Another good thing in PNG is that making 2 or more images PNG we can make one image but from our files which is very useful for a game.
  2. We used the Magnetic Lasso tool to do the PNG file, this tool we can use it when is a good image but sometimes the Magnetic Lasso do it not properly good so we must take the Polygonal Lasso and do in by your own which is more difficult than Magnetic. Anyway we must take care and try to do it careful.
  3.  To create the background for my game I used Lasso tool and I cuted from different images the things I need after I combined it all in one image making a background with the things I wanted to see in it. I used one image with sky, one with houses and another one with the road. I know the background it's very useful and important in my game but I think I should make another one more realistic and with a better quality. The background is like the enviroment where the game took place, it has to transmit feels maybe I should use other colors. Another think I should consider is my character and his animation and this is really important. I think it's a good idea to make a animation of the sky in my game and also of houses. In my game will be a egg rain so I will need to make a PNG egg which will drop from the sky and if it fall on the road I must find an animation for this. It's a lot of thing which I have to think about and find a solution if I want to make a good realistic game.

I think only egg rain will be boring so I included hole and the man has to jump over it and make sure of eggs to open  the umbrella at the right moment. I think in my game the the player will can't opent umbrella every time he want and when he open it , it close after 1 sec. This will make the game better. To make this plan a reality I need to find all media files I need or to create it because I need animation of how the the umbrella is opening also how the egg fall and how the character is jumping.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Target Audience

Target Audience Egg Rain

Demographic- In my opinion the target audience for this game is 10+ because the game is not difficult but needs some skills and reflex at medium level. This game doesn’t take long time so the players can play for some 15 min go and do his things after return in the game world and continue playing. Students, Workers doesn’t matter all people can find 15 -20 free minutes to play this game. Also in my opinion this game is good for both gender and we can include 2 characters and first of starting the game the player has to choose with who to play boy character or women.
Psychographic- This game will be appreciate of people who likes simple mobile games. In this game a good reaction is quite important so people who like and got is will like the game .
Behavioral this game is more for Casual players as I said in this game can play everyone when he has got a free 10 -15 minutes everywhere. The gameplay it’s easy and the player can easy to adapt on it. This game doesn’t have a purpose or a big aim to do and this makes the gamers not to think a lot about the game or career.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Reflection of my Mini Games

Monster Maze

The layout of GameSalad it's simple and I think the creators of this software create it to look easy for us. In GameSalad the Actors are all objects which interact with each other. It can be the main character and also the wall is an Actor. Scenes are like a new world because and we can make in a Scene to be the menu a new level or maybe if the player lost the game you can create a new scene and put the information you lose and try again. Scene is like the environment. Attributes are the characteristics of the Actor, in GameSalad we can change it to your one which you think will be relevant good for your game and environment. If you want to change the size of your Actor you attributes is helping you to do this, you can change physics characteristics everything. Behaviours in GameSalad are actions apply to actors which change something in the game. In Monster Maze game we used Collide Behaviour for the actor Monster to bounce against the Maze. I might use it in my future game. Rules are conditions which we give to our actor and we have to include in a rule a behaviour like in the rule to Move right we included the behaviour Move and we gave to the Actor Monster the command when he receive a press on the button Right he is moving right. This is something that I will use in my future game. A group is like a container this includes rules and behaviours. In this game we created the bounceness of the actor Monster  because firstly  he interacted with the Maze it was hard to control him and also I used Attribute Fixed Rotation. In the library we can store all files needed for the game such as picture, music. I aded the rule Change the scene to game over scene when the Monster Actor collide with the maze.

Street Fighter
In Street Fighter game I have 5 actors. The main actor is RYU which is changing into RYU STANCE when he is throwing the Fireball. In this game we have only one scene this is because the game in not finished. In this game we changed the attributes size and we changed the size of character RYU to make him not too big and promotional for the game. One important thing in the games are behaviours in the Street Fighter game I learn how to do the gravity in my game using the behaviour Accelerate this I might use in my future game because is important and the game looks more realistic. Also we learned ho to animate the Actor and change Speed in fps. I used play sound Behaviour to the fireball and I added a special sound effect to sound more realistic, this I will use in my games but I must find special sounds effects for my own game. In this game we used a lot of rules and we learned how to do the jump using change attribute behaviour and we added a special effect to play when RYU is jumping. The jump I think I will use in my game. One important rule in this game RYU Fire stance which spawn the actor RYU Stance in the place of RYU when the player wants to shoot with a fire stance. This give a good effect to the game and might help me in my game. I didn't add behaviours but i might add one one more actor with who RYU will fight. One important thing in this game is jump, I obtain it using a rule where I said to computer when the button ''UP" is pressed down the computer change the Attribute of Linear velocity Y which is high and automatically when all this conditions are valuable the Attributes go high change from his initial position to 650 pixel on Y. And after RYU fall down because of gravity on the game. Also I used the behavior Timer to change when I needed to change the actor after 0.3 sec because in this game when you press space the main character shot with fire stance and to make it more realistic we change the character and after he shot it change back to the character RYU.  I think this behaviour is really important and useful I might include it in my future game in many cases.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Top 3 ideas for a GameSalad game

  1.  Prison Break 
This game is a mixture of action adventure and puzzle game in which you have to use your logic and game ability. I want to make this game with the a simple aim which is going to be to break from the prison and survive. I think this game should be played using key-board and in the places where the main character has to throw with potatos in the guards of the prison we must use the mouse this will make the playability of the game better. In my opinion this game is going to be a successful one because it has a interesting story in the back.
       The story of the game is basically that a boy was arrested by the police and they puted him in the prison but he did not anything and he is now in the prison because of his friends that tricked him and now he wants to break from the prison and go to them and revenge. In the prison he does not have guns and other thing that might help him so he decide to use his food like a arms.
       The main character in this game is Yuri hi is from Russia and he is now in the the prison from where he want to break. The secondary character un my game will be the police and stuf of the prison which our character has to eliminate. And also we might include other people from the prison which want to break with us or some which want to tangle.
       One of my idea was to include in this game more levels and in each level our main character has to find something which will help him to break from the prison after. Like he has to find somewhere in the prison rope so the player has to think where he must find it or may buy it from other people from the prison,  I think this will make the game better. Also for each level the character will get money and from it he can buy things in his prison.
      2. Egg Rain

      This is going to be also a mixture of two genres Action and Adventure in which you have to use your reflex in the right moment and also you have to be carefu every time. This game has the simple aim to survive as much as possible, to survive in this game the character has to keep away from the eggs which fall from the sky. I want to make this game as simple as possible and to play this game you can use only kye-board.
     The story of this game is simple and it is about a businessman who is going to the work and something wrong happened and in his world starts to rain with eggs he does not want to become dirty so he has to open the umbrella every time he see a egg which falls above him.
     This game does not have rewards only some power-ups sometimes. I think a game like this should be basically to compete the old record and make a new one and this game will not have different levels the only change in going to be the speed and maybe some traps which the main character will have to jump. The power-ups will be basically Speed of the main character, Shield which will protect the main character of the eggs for 15 seconds and Medicines which will give him more live and I think this power-up is going to be one of the most frequently.
Target Audience Egg Rain

Demographic- In my opinion the target audience for this game is 10+ because the game is not difficult but needs some skills and reflex at medium level. This game doesn’t take long time so the players can play for some 15 min go and do his things after return in the game world and continue playing. Students, Workers doesn’t matter all people can find 15 -20 free minutes to play this game. Also in my opinion this game is good for both gender and we can include 2 characters and first of starting the game the player has to choose with who to play boy character or women.
Psychographic- This game will be appreciate of people who likes simple mobile games. In this game a good reaction is quite important so people who like and got is will like the game .
Behavioral this game is more for Casual players as I said in this game can play everyone when he has got a free 10 -15 minutes everywhere. The gameplay it’s easy and the player can easy to adapt on it. This game doesn’t have a purpose or a big aim to do and this makes the gamers not to think a lot about the game or career.

    3.Snake Street

This is a endless running game like the famouse Subway surf game which some differences which will make this game more interesting. The differences will be that in this game the main character will be a snake and every time when he is eating something he grow-up and it make the game more difficult because he has to protect from the cars. This game has the aim to survive and basically to do a new record. Another differences from the subway surf game to this game is that in this game the main character can't jump over the car but he can went under the car but also when he grow-up this will be harder to do and it's a risk to die. I want to make this game avialable for mobile phones and for PC this will help me to promote and advertise this game. On the PC using key-board and modern smartphones using touch. 
 The story of this game is simple the snake fell from a car on the road and he is trying to survive and return to his home but he have to go through a long way to get home and it is not easy because he don't know the way to home so he has to use the indicator from the road. The snake has to take care of the cars and to try to take every food he see this will help him to survive and have more power. In food he may get some extra power (Power-up) like better speed, one power-up will make the snake small for 15 sec this will help him to go under the cars with no stress and also a power-up with one more heart because the snake will have 3 heart so one heart will help him.

Task 2
After review of what people said about my first game Prison Break I understand that all of them think that this game has a good idea and they like it. Someone think that I should add more but they didn't said what more? Maybe he means more features more things to the game. Maybe I should include more characters. Another one person wrote that I need to add more obstacles and this is true I need to think about this and when I will start to make the game to include it. Someone said that in my game are not weakness so I should include more to make the game more difficult because some people like to play difficult games or maybe I can include in my game more levels of difficult and peoples can choose how he want to play. I am pleased because people think that the idea of the game is good and someone wrote that the game is perfect.

Task 3
Blizzard VS Microsoft Studios
In my opinion Blizzard Entertainment is more influential then Microsoft Studios because they got more games which are history and people from the all world are playing game such as world of warcraft and other fantastic games. One important thing that I can say it that Microsoft Studios is relative young in the gaming world the company was founded in 2002 and Blizzard Entertainment in 1991 also this makes the Blizzard more influential. If we are talking about who is more successful i think Microsoft because the game Minecraft and other make lots money and the value of the company is better.